Brass Illusion is a musical powerhouse based in the NY/NJ area, playing the timeless music of rock & roll's great horn bands. While noted for doing dead-on covers of Chicago and Blood, Sweat & Tears, our songbook runs the gamut from Santana to Springsteen, and Motown to Van Morrison. Brass Illusion will raise the energy, excitement, and entertainment levels through the roof of any event!

Find out what people are saying about Brass Illusion on Facebook.
"About 22 of us went to the Spring Meadow Inn and saw this band on Saturday night. They were amazing, I didn't sit one song out !!! I look forward to seeing them again real soon. I encourage everyone to get out and see them when they are local to your area. Thanks Brass Illusion for a wonderful night of great music...".
Nancy Ellen Sisco-Piscitelli
"Your performance was absolutely incredible at Station Bar and Grill in Cranbury, NJ!
I'm looking fwd to your next show. Thank you for an incredible night."
Michele Dugan